My Chemical Life

       Do You Have Menstrual Odor?

Women tend to get menstrual odor while on their period.  There is no need to be embarrassed.  It's just a part of life.  If you want to get rid of them, there are just a few simple tips to help.  You can change your tampon or menstrual pad as often as every half hour to three hours.  Use tampons during heavy flow times.  Use a menstrual pad in addition to a tampon for the help of minimizing odors.  Avoid wearing tight clothes such as tights, nylons, and pantyhose.  Make sure that you keep your vaginal area clean.  Be sure to wipe from front to back so that when you use a tampon, nothing gets there that is not supposed to be there.  If you have irritation from your menstrual cycle, make sure you visit a doctor.

Male And Female Pubic Area Tips.

Many people are embarrassed to talk about how to keep your pubic area clean. It's nothing to be embarrassed about because everyone goes through it at one point in life. Many people trim or shave there pubic area for sex appeal but that's not the only reason. For whatever reason it is, make sure you have some basic knowledge about shaving your pubic area because that area tends to be very sensitive and can easily be irritated. You could use shaving cream or even conditioner. Next, pull the skin tight and start shaving the pubic area. Make sure to rinse off the razor every couple of times. Stay clear of the straight, cheap disposable razors or it may result in little cuts and maybe even irritation. You might have a chance of getting ingrown hairs, bumps, and redness. As a male, shaving your pubic area is pretty much the same idea. All you have to remember is:
1. Use some what of a new razor.
2. Have a little bit of knowledge about shaving your pubic area. 
3. Use shaving cream or shampoo. 
4. Start slowly and if it's your first time removing hair down there, give it a trim first so your not removing as much hair with the razor.
5. Try to shave in one direction, the way the hair is going. 

Cold Sores..

    If you have ever had a cold sore, then you most likely know that they don't feel too good.  Cold sores are little blisters that show up on or around your lips, usually caused by a virus.  They last for about a couple of days at a time.  To treat a cold sore, you can either put rubbing alcohol on it to freeze it off, or go to your neighborhood drug store and buy cold sore treatment.  It doesn't necessarily  have to be treated though.

Head Lice..

   Have you ever had head lice?  Well, if you have, then you know that it makes your scalp feel itchy and irritated.  You can get lice from sharing brushes, combs, and other hair accessories..  Most children from ages 3-11 get lice.  The life cycle of lice is about 3 weeks.  Eggs take 8-9 days to hatch.  In 10 days, 1 lice can produce up to 60 offspring.  Within 1 month, hundreds of lice can already be infested in a person's hair.  Do not try washing head lice out of your hair because they actually stick to clean hair better, so you have to go and buy a hair product that will kill off the lice.  If you want to prevent head lice, cut your hair often and wear it up while working out or any other time that you sweat.  Vacuum your room and wash your sheets and clothing frequently.