My Chemical Life

How are male and females' hygiene different?

Male and females' hygiene is different in a few ways. Males sometimes need to start shaving their face. Men also produce more body odor so daily showers to keep clean are essential. Females are different because during puberty every 21 to 35 days, it is normal for a teenage girl to have a menstrual cycle from 3 to 5 days so cleanliness is very important. Both male and females need to keep their bodies clean and healthy.    

What causes body odor?

    Body Odor is caused when our bodies give off bacteria, that lives on the skin and breaks down sweat into acids. Truthfully, the smell is the result of bacteria breaking down protein into certain acids. Body Odor usually occurs when someone reaches puberty, if they do not use deodorants to fight the smell. Many people that have diabetes are more likely to have  body odor.

How does perspiration occur?

Sweat is water as well as many other dissolved liquids that is created by the sweat glands in the skin of human. Many people believe that sweating helps the body remove toxins but, that is without scientific report. When the weather is hot more sweat is usually produced. Large amounts of sweat help humans cool down. On average, men tend to sweat more than women. 

Proper Ways of Hygiene:

Taking care of your body by using proper hygiene techniques is very important. One of the main things is bathing everyday, it is necessary to stay clean. Being that skin is the largest organ of your body, proper skin care is crucial.Taking proper care of your skin is an easy way to kill bacteria, and stop germs from spreading. When washing your face, use face wash (meant for the face), other washes, such as body wash can dry out your skin severely. In addition to taking care of your skin, applying sunscreen to areas exposed to the skin, can help stop the harsh effects of sun exposure.
 In addition to taking care of your skin, taking care of your hair is also necessary. Unlike bathing, you actually shouldn't wash your hair every day. It actually strips out the natural oils of your hair. It is very important to pick a shampoo that fits your hair type. For example, using a  shampoo made for dry hair, but having oily hair will increase having oily hair. You should condition your hair at least twice a week, but if you have dry hair, or if you live in major weather conditions, you should condition your hair each time you wash.